Salah is a command from Allah, the Almighty. It is an obligation for every faithful Muslim. If you want to live a peaceful and safe life, then perform your salah. Because salah is a guidance and a comfort to the hearts of the believers. Let’s explore more about it here!
Category Archives: Ebook in English
Animals Around Me
There are various kinds of animals around me. They are at home, in the yard, in the fields, and in other places. Come read the ebook here!
The Pigeons in Masjid al-Haram
If you visit the Grand Mosque, you can see lots of pigeons. You can also feed them. Come on, see the exciting story of Salim there! Download the ebook here, OK!
The Orca Whale
One of the things that can increase our faith is meditation, namely contemplating God’s creations. Allah Ta’ala created the universe perfectly and flawlessly. One of God’s greatest creations is the Orca, the king of the sea. Orcas are very large and intelligent mammals. Let’s see more in here!
Getting to Know the Month of Dhul Qa’dah
Dzulqa’dah is one month among the haram months. In the haram months, we are advised to increase our good deeds and stay away from haram actions because in the haram months, rewards and sins are multiplied. Come on, read more here!
Du’a of Prophet Moses
The prophet whose story is most often told in the Qur’an after the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam is Nabiyullah Musa ‘alaihissalam. Come on, let’s see a piece of his story here! When he was sent to Pharaoh, he was a king who was the strongest in his disbelief and had the largest army.
Water is one of the many blessings of Allah Ta’ala. We have to be wise in using it, because not everyone can get it easily. Come on, let’s look at the exciting story of Abdurrahman and his mother about water. You can learn to make ice cubes here!
The Story of Islam’s First Naval Forces – The Conquest of Cyprus
During the time of Khulafaur Rasyidin, there were many conquests by Muslims to expand the preaching of Islam. One of the phenomenal conquests that occurred was the conquest of Cyprus which was the idea of Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Read the story here!
My Fraction Pizza
Today Ismail learned fractions through pizza. Come on, see the story here!
Manners in the Mosque
The mosque is the house of Allah. It is important for us to show respect and honor the mosque. Let’s read about manner in the mosque here!