Teman-teman, mari kita baca lanjutan cerita singkat tentang pancaindra. Yuk, unduh ebooknya di sini!
A Short History of Prayer
Do you know, there was a time Allah initially obligated salah fifty times times a day? When was it? Do read the short history of salah to find the answer here.
A New Hijab from My Mother
I got a new hijab from my mother. Why do I have to wear hijab when I am only five years old? Read my story here.
Muharram Bulan Istimewa
Bulan Muharram adalah salah satu dari empat bulan haram. Ia dinamakan dengan syahrullah, bulan Allah. Sungguh istimewa bukan? Yuk, simak selengkapnya di sini!
Learning The Importance of Laa Ilaha Illallaah
This time we will invite you to study a very great hadith. This hadith was narrated by a noble friend Muadz bin Jabal radhiyallahu ‘anhu. This hadith contains the majesty of the sentence of monotheism, namely the sentence laa ilaha illallaah. Download the ebook here, ok!
The Amazing Habit: Reading and Memorizing The Qur’an
Do you know what the purpose of the Qur’an was revealed? Then what are the virtues of reading and memorizing it? Come on, see here!
Pohon Tomat
Ibu menanam tomat. Dengan izin Allah, pohon tomat mulai tumbuh besar, besar, dan besar. Tetapi ups, ada buah tomat yang berlubang seperti bekas dimakan. Kenapa ya? Yuk, simak kisah selengkapnya di sini!
We should choose our friends wisely. Good friend will help us in obeying Allah. May Allah bless us good friends. Let’s download the ebook here!
Masjid Al-Haram
Masjid al-Haram is special because it was the first mosque ever built on Earth. Let’s read about Masjid Al-Haram here!
Pengaruh teman dalam diri kita sangat besar. Oleh karena itu, kita harus selektif dalam memilihnya. Yuk, simak selengkapnya di sini!