Tanaman memiliki banyak sekali manfaat. Mulai dari menyerap karbondioksida dan menghasilkan oksigen, sebagai habitat hewan, bahkan mencegah banjir. Tidak salah jika Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa sallam mengajarkan kita bahwa menanam tanaman adalah sedekah. Yuk, baca selengkapnya di sini!
Author Archives: Nida
I Can Dress Myself
Who can wear their own clothes? Wearing your own clothes does take practice! Come on, listen to Abdillah’s excitement about learning to wear his own clothes here!
Mom’s Homegrown Tomatoes
Mom grows tomatoes. With Allah’s permission, the tomato tree started to grow big, big, and big. But oops, there are tomatoes with holes like they were eaten. I wonder why? Come on, see the full story here!
Two Fundamental Laws in Islam
Dear friends, in Islam there are two important laws that we need to know for our lives. What are those two laws? Let’s read the story here!
Let’s Pray Salah
Are you able to perform salah already?
If not, let’s learn how to do it together! And If you already know how, let’s continue performing salah here!
Me and My Toys
What toys do you have? Don’t forget to clean it up after playing, OK? Ady also has a lot of toys. See the story of Ady and his toys here!
Memakai Baju Sendiri
Siapa yang sudah bisa memakai baju sendiri? Memakai baju sendiri memang butuh latihan ya! Yuk, simak serunya Abdillah belajar memakai baju sendiri di sini!
Muharram Bulan Istimewa
Bulan Muharram adalah salah satu dari empat bulan haram. Ia dinamakan dengan syahrullah, bulan Allah. Sungguh istimewa bukan? Yuk, simak selengkapnya di sini!
Learning The Importance of Laa Ilaha Illallaah
This time we will invite you to study a very great hadith. This hadith was narrated by a noble friend Muadz bin Jabal radhiyallahu ‘anhu. This hadith contains the majesty of the sentence of monotheism, namely the sentence laa ilaha illallaah. Download the ebook here, ok!
The Amazing Habit: Reading and Memorizing The Qur’an
Do you know what the purpose of the Qur’an was revealed? Then what are the virtues of reading and memorizing it? Come on, see here!